DEXLab Publications
Sidaoui, K., Mahr, D., & Odekerken-Schröder, G. (2024). Generative AI in Responsible Conversational Agent Integration: Guidelines for Service Managers. Organizational Dynamics, 101045.
Moonen, N., Heller, J., Hilken, T., Danny Han, D. I., & Mahr, D. (2024). Immersion or social presence? Investigating the effect of virtual reality immersive environments on sommelier learning experiences. Journal of Wine Research, 1–18.
Windhausen, A., Heller, J., Hilken, T., Mahr, D., Di Palma, R., & Quintens, L. (2024). Exploring the impact of augmented reality smart glasses on worker well-being in warehouse order picking. Computers in Human Behavior, 155, 108153.
Stallone, V., Wetzels, M., Mahr, D., & Klaas, M. (2024). Enhancing Digital Advertising with Blockchain Technology. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 59(1), 76-98.
Phillips, C., Becker, M., Odekerken-Schröder, G. and Mahr, D. (2024), "Introducing the Service Robot Innovation Canvas", Matosas-López, L. (Ed.) The Impact of Digitalization on Current Marketing Strategies (Marketing & Technology: New Horizons and Challenges), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 97-115.
Werf, M., Meacham, D., Brüggen, E., Hogreve, J., Heller, J., Gianni, R., & Post, T. (2024). Challenges of Automated Financial Advice: Definition and Ethical Considerations. Netspar.
Rauschnabel, P. A., Felix, R., Heller, J., & Hinsch, C. (2024). The 4C framework: Towards a holistic understanding of consumer engagement with augmented reality. Computers in Human Behavior, 154, 108105.
Windhausen, A., Heller, J., Hilken, T., Mahr, D., Di Palma, R., & Quintens, L. (2024). Exploring the impact of augmented reality smart glasses on worker well-being in warehouse order picking. Computers in Human Behavior, 108153.
Hilken, T., Heller, J., & Mahr, D. (2023). Closing the Customer Imagination Gap with Augmented and Virtual Reality. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 15(2), 30-35.
Mahr, D., Heller, J., Hilken, T., & Wigger, M. (2023). Die Innovation synthetischer Kunden erlebnisse: Machen ist wichtiger als Denken. Transfer: Zeitschrift für Kommunikation & Markenmanagement, 69(3).
Glebova, E., Book, R., Su, Y., Perić, M., & Heller, J. (2023). Sports venue digital twin technology from a spectator virtual visiting perspective. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 5.
Hilken, T., Heller, J., & Mahr, D. (2023). Closing the Customer Imagination Gap with Augmented and Virtual Reality. NIM Marketing Intelligence Review, 15(2), 30-35
Pfeifer, P., Hilken, T., Heller, J., Alimamy, S., & Di Palma, R. (2023). More than meets the eye: In-store retail experiences with augmented reality smart glasses. Computers in Human Behavior, 146, 107816.
Heller, J., Mahr, D., de Ruyter, K., Schaap, E., Hilken, T., Keeling, D. I., Chylinski, M., Flavián, C., Jung, T., & Rauschnabel, P. A. (2023). An interdisciplinary Co-authorship networking perspective on AR and human behavior: Taking stock and moving ahead. Computers in Human Behavior, 143, 107697.
Mahr, D., Heller, J., & de Ruyter, K. (2023). Augmented reality (AR): The blurring of reality in human-computer interaction. In.
Golf-Papez, M., Heller, J., Hilken, T., Chylinski, M., de Ruyter, K., Keeling, D. I., & Mahr, D. (2022). Embracing falsity through the metaverse: The case of synthetic customer experiences. Business Horizons, 65(6), 739-749.
Hilken, T., Chylinski, M., de Ruyter, K., Heller, J., & Keeling, D. I. (2022). Exploring the frontiers in reality-enhanced service communication: from augmented and virtual reality to neuro-enhanced reality. Journal of Service Management, 33(4/5), 657-674.
Hilken, T., Chylinski, M., Keeling, D. I., Heller, J., de Ruyter, K., & Mahr, D. (2022). How to strategically choose or combine augmented and virtual reality for improved online experiential retailing. Psychology & Marketing, 39(3), 495-507.
Hilken, T., Heller, J., Keeling, D. I., Chylinski, M., Mahr, D., & de Ruyter, K. (2022). Bridging imagination gaps on the path to purchase with augmented reality: Field and experimental evidence. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 57(2), 356-375.
Hilken, T., Keeling, D. I., Chylinski, M., de Ruyter, K., Golf Papez, M., Heller, J., Mahr, D., & Alimamy, S. (2022). Disrupting marketing realities: A research agenda for investigating the psychological mechanisms of next‐generation experiences with reality‐enhancing technologies. Psychology & Marketing.
Hilken, T., Chylinski, M., Keeling, D. I., Heller, J., de Ruyter, K., & Mahr, D. (2021). How to strategically choose or combine augmented and virtual reality for improved online experiential retailing. Psychology & Marketing.
Heller, J., Chylinski, M., de Ruyter, K., Keeling, D. I., Hilken, T., & Mahr, D. (2021). Tangible service automation: Decomposing the technology-enabled engagement process (TEEP) for augmented reality. Journal of Service Research.
Lammerding, L., Hilken, T., Mahr, D., & Heller, J. (2021). Too Real for Comfort: Measuring Consumers’ Augmented Reality Information Privacy Concerns. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: New Trends in Immersive Technology, 95.
Odekerken-Schröder, G., Mennens, K., Steins, M., & Mahr, D. (2021). The service triad: an empirical study of service robots, customers and frontline employees. Journal of Service Management.
Van Pinxteren, M. M., Pluymaekers, M., & Lemmink, J. G. (2020). Human-like communication in conversational agents: a literature review and research agenda. Journal of Service Management.
Čaić, M., Avelino, J., Mahr, D., Odekerken-Schröder, G., & Bernardino, A. (2020). Robotic versus human coaches for active aging: An automated social presence perspective. , (4), 867-882. International Journal of Social Robotics, 12(4), 867-882.
Jessen, A., Hilken, T., Chylinski, M., Mahr, D., Heller, J., Keeling, D. I., & de Ruyter, K. (2020). The playground effect: How augmented reality drives creative customer engagement. Journal of Business Research, 116, 85-98.
Chylinski, M., Heller, J., Hilken, T., Keeling, D. I., Mahr, D., & de Ruyter, K. (2020). Augmented reality marketing: A technology-enabled approach to situated customer experience. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ).
de Ruyter, K., Heller, J., Hilken, T., Chylinski, M., Keeling, D. I., & Mahr, D. (2020). Seeing with the customer’s eye: Exploring the challenges and opportunities of AR advertising. Journal of Advertising, 49(2), 109-124.
Hilken, T., Keeling, D. I., de Ruyter, K., Mahr, D., & Chylinski, M. (2020). Seeing eye to eye: social augmented reality and shared decision making in the marketplace. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 48(2), 143-164.
Heller, J., Chylinski, M., de Ruyter, K., Mahr, D., & Keeling, D. I. (2019). Touching the untouchable: exploring multi-sensory augmented reality in the context of online retailing. Journal of Retailing, 95(4), 219-234.
Heller, J., Chylinski, M., de Ruyter, K., Mahr, D., & Keeling, D. I. (2019). Let me imagine that for you: Transforming the retail frontline through augmenting customer mental imagery ability. Journal of Retailing, 95(2), 94-114.
Carrozzi, A., Chylinski, M., Heller, J., Hilken, T., Keeling, D. I., & de Ruyter, K. (2019). What's mine is a hologram? How shared augmented reality augments psychological ownership. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 48, 71-88.
Hilken, T., Heller, J., Chylinski, M., Keeling, D. I., Mahr, D., & de Ruyter, K. (2018). Making omnichannel an augmented reality: the current and future state of the art. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing.
Hilken, T., de Ruyter, K., Chylinski, M., Mahr, D., & Keeling, D. I. (2017). Augmenting the eye of the beholder: exploring the strategic potential of augmented reality to enhance online service experiences. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 45(6), 884-905.